CBD Expo Mountain 2019

October 11, 2019-October 12, 2019|
Denver Convention Center|700 14th St. Denver, CO 80202

Senior Account Manager Victoria Trusty moderates a panel at the CBD Expo Mountain in Denver, Colorado in October. Her panel, “CBD CX – Customer Experience Strategies For CBD Companies,” is on October 12th at 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM in Panel Room A.

This discussion centers on why customer experience is so important in the digital age and goes over how to build and implement CX strategies to create lasting impressions for CBD companies. Victoria started in the cannabis tourism sector and has taken that experience and applied it to help our clients when educating them on the essentials of opening and operating a cannabis business. Register here to attend the Expo and use Victoria’s speaker code SPKR50 for 50% off!

victoria trusty cbd expo


Boulder, CO


P: 720-708-3154info@thinkcanna.com

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