2025 Minnesota Cannabis License Timeline & Application Guide

Looking Ahead At The Minnesota Cannabis Licensing Process

While the Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management has been anything but clear about their timeline for cannabis business licensure, it’s evident that more cannabis licensing rounds are on the horizon in 2025. In August, the OCM wrapped up its first round of cannabis license applications, and while lottery results are still in the works, the state received over 1,800 applications in this initial round. On October 16, the OCM sent out deficiency notices and requests for more information to about 300 applicants. 

Large Application Turnout But Some Delays

We were supposed to see licenses awarded by mid to late October, but with no set date for the lottery in sight, we expect the results to get pushed to the end of the year. Given the high number of business applicants in the first round of social equity licensing and the need for a more general round of applications, Minnesota is expected to have another exciting year in cannabis in 2025.


Minnesota’s Anticipated Timeline for the Next Cannabis Lottery

We’re still waiting for an official updated timeline from the Minnesota OCM that will address when social equity cannabis licenses will be awarded and when the next application window will open for the general lottery. However, we expect the next year to look something like this:

  • October 16 – October 31: Applicants will have these two weeks to fix any license application deficiencies and provide additional information requested by the OCM.
  • November 1 – December 2024: Possible social equity lottery results and license awards.
  • Early 2025: Official cannabis program rules are adopted by the OCM.
  • Early – Mid 2025: The OCM opens the window for the general cannabis license application. Applicants will typically have 60-90 days to complete their application.
  • Late 2025 – Social Equity applicants are official approved to open their cannabis businesses.
  • Late 2025 – Early 2026: Possible general lottery results and license awards.

Again, we don’t have an exact timeline from officials, but based on our experience in slower moving states and what the OCM has said in meetings and announcements, this is a realistic overview of how the rest of the program could roll out.

Be sure to continue checking the OMC website and the Canna Advisors blog for Minnesota cannabis news updates.


How to Prepare for the Minnesota’s General Cannabis Lottery Now

1) Review License Eligibility Requirements and Availability

Though all licensing rounds in Minnesota will be a lottery process, you’ll still need to ‘qualify’ to throw your name in the hat. Similar to the social equity applications, you’ll need to submit a handful of business plans and SOPs in order to be entered into the general lottery. We don’t have an exact list of what those requirements will be, but we don’t expect the list to differ too much from the social equity application.

Additionally, you’ll want to review which licenses will be available in this next round and how many are left after the social equity licenses are awarded. The number of licenses that remain after the recent social equity round are:


2) Secure Business Capital and Financial Resources

One of the hardest and typically longest process in preparing for an application round is securing capital for your cannabis business. Now is the time to begin building a business plan and financial models to attract investors and raise funds for your business.

3) Build a Strong Team

Start building your team and identifying key roles. While you don’t have to go into too much detail about your corporate structure, it will be important to have cannabis experts and people you trust involved.


4) Identify and Connect With Your Local Community

Property will not be required on the initial application for license pre-approval, but you’ll want to start building a strong relationship with community and local government where you wish to open your business. Attending local council meetings, connecting with your community through cannabis advocacy, and networking with any local cannabis groups are all things you can be doing now to discover how your town feels about cannabis and what their plans are for future businesses.


Begin or Continue Your Minnesota Cannabis Journey with Experts

Whether you’re preparing for the general licensing round or to be licensed as a social equity applicant, Canna Advisors is here to help with every step of the process. From early stage financial models to receiving final approval from the state, our team of experts can assist wherever your business needs it. You can trust our decades of experience throughout the country to guide your business goals and future ROI.

Contact us today or book an hourly consultation to get started on your application or discover how you can be ready to open your doors as soon as you’re approved.

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